To make Run The World fair, and to keep everyone accountable during their journey, we require evidence to validate each run or walk you upload. Any Run or Walk that is considered “Structured Exercise” can be included as part of your journey, that is a run or walk where you make the conscious decision to get off the couch or out the door to run.

It is important to note that we are not a step counting App and we don’t allow “incidental exercise” to be included. Whilst we appreciate the importance of “incidental exercise”, it does not form part of our criteria for recording data. See what you can and cannot include as part of your journey below.


  • All training runs across all surfaces.
  • Structured exercise walks.
  • All running events and races.
  • Treadmills.
  • The run component of a multi-sport event.
  • The run component of an exercise class.
  • Trail hikes.
  • A walk to work or walking the dog - where you make the conscious decision to exercise more and embark on a “structured walk.
  • Rehabilitation walks for exercise purposes.
  • A sports game or match (provided you can verify distance with a GPS device).
  • Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs before and after your run.


  • Daily Step counting. This is a definite NO.
  • Elliptical machines. There is too much grey area around these machines and the distance they we have decided NOT to allow them.
  • Any “incidental” running or walking. Activity such as walking around work, walking around the shops, playing with the kids at the park, mowing the lawns, and similar “incidental exercises” are NOT to be added to your activity list.
  • We DON’T allow sightseeing. If you are on holidays and head out for the day to explore the city on foot and walk around to see the sights, then this is considered incidental exercise and CAN NOT be added.
  • “Race supporting” - where you press start on your device and record the distance you travel running or walking between checkpoints to cheer people on in a race. This is incidental exercise and should not be added.
  • Definitely NO cycling or swimming. NO skiing or rollerblading.


  • We require you to provide proof of your run distance, time and activity. This can be done using one of literally hundreds of devices or Apps that you can use to measure your run, time and distance.
  • Using a GPS, smartphone App, smart watch or any means that measures your time and distance; sync automatically with Strava OR take a screen shot OR attach a file to every workout to prove that your run is legitimate.
  • And remember, we are not a step counting App so no use of daily Step counters will be accepted at all.
  • Check out How We Work for a more detailed outline of recording your data

If in doubt at any time regarding any rule – PLEASE contact us – and we will politely assist you without judgement.